Tuesday 6 March 2012

                                       "FLAVOURED LOVE"
I know I'm yet not surefooted to possess you,
still a ray of hope to meet through...
 More & more I'm exploring you,
the deeper I'm  falling for you...

I've a precious pearl with me,
and want to hold it on forever...
I want to fly with you,
with the wings of butterfly...

U are a magnet,
Dragged my heart with your first sight.!!
My every moment with you is flavoured,
Flavour of your care & concern...

I love those small diamonds,
rolling down your eyes for me...
I'm not a kidult now,
enough matured to be yours.....

It was not pre-planned love story,
It came as a dogging infront of me..
Like oasis in the desserted heart,
your love was the droplet to me...

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