Sunday 25 December 2011

                                                                  "LOVE WINGER"
You are the wings to my dreams
All I desire to be in ur extremes.....
My heart beats faster & faster
when you are nearer to me.!!

Like a VODAFONE network
you catch me so soon.

Future is banished,
Past has vanished..
But present is still lavish...
Pretty we....

All went great until...
you betrayed.. :(

I was vibrant the day,

u were with me....
Ahhh... Happiest ever... :)

But.... all went in vain,
when the past got drained
in the greed of dirty fame...

I'm addicted to the drug
named as luv...

Incomplete without you...
But Hopping  ahead  for a better one, 
as if u were never the one..

The cup of my tea....

Still Incomplete without you...
But skipping ahead
as if you are now dead....

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