Tuesday 24 January 2012

Problems are anonymous,
solutions are autonomous...
Creating immitators of us 
never loose the originality of ones progress.....
You are anothert body but we are same soul,
lost in the world of dreams as a whole...
The one who made me smile stole
 my smile today with all hope....
It was idiot of me wondering as if I'm your everything...
I wish my foolishness had been reality forever
atleast i would have been in my comfort zone with whatsoever.....
Thanks for keeping my eyelashes moist...
Money has over-power your attitude foist...
We were perfect together but the perfect ones
got seperated when somebody put down once...
I was part your experiments..
It was me somewhere being used as your asparagus...
Never mind... I'm not querulous... Neither virlence...
Just hurt by you arrogance..!!!

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